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Dance Affinity Group

Affinity, n: sympathy marked by community of interest; kinship

The Dance Affinity Group is a global family of former DCDC performing artists, creators, designers, staff, board and friends. We are a large and diverse group who express our enduring love of the company by providing ongoing support to the place we once called home.

Through sharing of our own local resources, professional associations, networks, and time we propel DCDC into accomplishing its mission and goals. This sharing extends to fellow Affinity members as we celebrate and give support to generations of choreographers, educators, directors, administrators, and community leaders. Continue to watch this space to learn who we are, what we love, and how we change the world.

We welcome all DCDC alumni into this community of mutual support. Care to join? Follow the link below.

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If you are an alumnus of DCDC but haven’t filled out the DAG form, please click here and let us know where you are and what you’ve been up to.

Through the dedication of their own local resources, professional associations, and networks, Affinity members are willing to propel DCDC into the accomplishment of their mission. 

It is also a place where we learn of the many and current accomplishments of members, be they choreographers, company directors, creators, administrators, or productive members of the communities where they now reside. Because Affinity members are spread out over the globe, we look to them to be our biggest partners and cheerleaders as DCDC seeks out newer touring and residency opportunities.


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Need More Information?

Contact DCDC's former artistic director Kevin Ward.